English Lab & Offices
Where is the English department?
We are on the second level of the main college complex (CC2-280). Here you will find
English faculty offices, the English computer lab (CC2-283), and the ESL computer
lab (CC2-281).
Student health and safety
The LMC English Computer Lab is open for class use by instructor arrangement. In order to keep our students and employees as safe as possible during this time, we strongly recommend patrons to wear face masks when using the lab facilities.
Food or Drink of ANY kind is not permitted
(English Computer Laboratory Policy)
Assistance with Assignments, Essays and Tutoring Support Services
Please visit the links below:
Reading and Writing Consultations (In-person/Zoom Appointments)
Center for Academic Support (Essay/Assignment Help, Tutors, Tech help)
Peer- to -Peer Technology Support (Canvas, Office 365, InSite, Wi-Fi, email, & more! Available for in-person and online support)
- Peer Technology Support is offered online and in-person:
- Location: CO-300
- Tues 9am-12pm, Weds 9am-2pm
- Online Live Link: Zoom Student Tech Support
- No computer access? Join the online tech support Zoom meeting room by phone.
- 669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 927 6418 2712
- No computer access? Join the online tech support Zoom meeting room by phone.
Student Resources and Technology
- Canvas and Turn-it in Guide
- Counseling Department
- DSPS Services and Accommodations
- Housing Assistance/Food Pantry
- LMC Library
- MFA (Multi- Factor Authorization Help)
- Printing on Campus
- Technology Loan Program
- All Resources
English Computer Lab Coordinator
Tennille McEwen-Fields
(925) 473-7869
Online Software Support:
Monday - Thursday, 10 am-1 pm (additional times may be offered by request)
No Services:
Nov 6th and 7th ; appointments only.
English Lab Policy (Lab Usage and Rules)
- Currently enrolled students are eligible to use all computer labs on campus. Minor children who are not LMC students, accompanied or unaccompanied, are not permitted in the computer labs.
- No eating or drinking is allowed in the lab.
- Masks covering both nose and mouth are strongly encouraged.
- All your documents must be saved onto your own removable media. You are responsible for the files on your own storage media.
- As the lab functions as a study space, please respect your peers by not listening to music/videos without personal headphones and please keep conversations at a low volume. (Note that faculty and staff are required to speak with and assist students with homework at a low volume.)
- Loud, disruptive, and/or abusive behavior on the part of the student will result in progressive disciplinary action including revocation or suspension of computer access privilege in the affected lab.
- Cell phones should be in silent or vibration mode only. If you must take or make a phone call, please step outside.
- Academic use takes priority. You may be asked to relinquish the computer if you are not doing academic-related work.
- An unattended computer station for more than 15 minutes will be re-assigned.
- Please do not disconnect any equipment, hardware, or peripherals.
- Lab equipment should be used with proper care. Damage or misuse of the lab equipment in any manner will result in penalties and/or disciplinary actions.
- Violation or abuse of any policy, equipment, or lab staff member will be reported to Public Safety and the Dean of Student Services and may result in suspension or revocation of lab privileges.
- Check the lab calendar or bulletin board for special notices. Labs may be closed during certain times for tests, lab maintenance or seminars.
Software Usage
- Copyrighted software may not be copied. Students may not install any software program or utility on any lab computer, nor may students tamper with, alter, or delete any software program or utility from any lab computer. This includes disconnecting cables or attempting to connect private hardware to school resources, such as personal devices.
- 4CD’s Acceptable Technology Use Policy specifically prohibits the use of District computers in “attempting to defraud another, threatening physical harm to another, procuring or distributing obscene material in any form, or unlawfully harassing another”. Violations of the District’s Acceptable Technology Use policy will be reported and handled through the proper channels.
- All your documents must be saved onto your own removable media. You are responsible for the files on your own storage media.