Veterans Services

Veterans Resource Center

Services & Supports

Los Medanos College (LMC) is approved for education and training of the military-connected community (U.S. military active duty service members, reservists, National Guard members, veterans, and their dependents) under applicable federal and state laws administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet).  All members of the military-connected community are encouraged to apply for education benefits.  However, it is not a requirement to use our services and supports.  Eligibility for education benefits is determined by the appropriate federal or state agency.


Complementary Services Available to
Military-Connected Students:

  • Assistance with State and Federal Education Benefits
  • Certification of Course Enrollment with VA
  • Academic Counseling
  •  Verification of Enrollment for Dependent's Military I.D. and Medical Insurance
  • Introductions to On and Off-Campus Partnering Service Providers
  • Lounge and Study Spaces
  • Computer Lab, Printer and Scanner
  • Beverages and Snacks
  • Parking Permits - 24FA NOT YET AVAILABLE!  Form of I.D. and student schedule required.  DD214 must be on file for issuance. 
  • Textbook, Scientific Calculator, and Laptop Semester-Length Loans
  • School Supplies and Testing Materials
  • Graduation Regalia - Available in the VRC
    May 1-10.  Form of I.D. and proof of military-affiliation required.
  • And More