Ready to Become an LMC Mustang?
New and Returning Students:
If you have not enrolled within the Contra Costa Community College District (4CD) within the academic year you must complete an online admission application.
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( InSite password instructions )
How to login to InSite
- Your User Name is the first letter of your first name, your entire last name, and the last 3 digits of your student ID number (example: Sam Jones would be sjones567).
- If you do not know your user name, click on Lookup Username. Another browser will appear indicating What’s my Username? You will enter your last name, birth date, and the last four digits of your Social Security Number. A window will open and display your username. User Names and/or ID numbers cannot be obtained over the phone by calling the Admissions & Records Office.
- Type in your password. Your initial password is Welcome2LMC then the last four digits of your phone number. For example, if the last four digits of your phone number were 1234 then your password would be Welcome2LMC1234.
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