Technology Advisory Group ( TAG)

Technology Plan 2022-2028

The Los Medanos College Technology Plan is approved and accepted by the Shared Governance Council (SGC). This can be viewed: [Here]


Technology Plan Core Group

  • Membership



    1. Curtis Corlew (TAG, Art)
    2. Nidia Gonzalinaje (TAG, Math)
    3. Aprill Nogarr (DE)
    4. Nina Ghiselli (Student Services)
    5. Kimberly Wentworth (Library)


    Classified Professional

    1. Courtney Diputado (TAG)
    2. Jennifer Garcia (TAG)
    3. Eloine Chapman (TAG)
    4. Sandra Mills (Instruction Services)
    5. Cesar Reyes (Art Lab/Recoding Art Lab)



    1. Bob Estrada (TAG)
    2. Nikki Moultrie (Instruction)
    3. Jennifer Ma (Student Services)
    4. Rikki Hall (Student Services)
    5. Jinpa Tharchin (Admin Services)
    6. Carl Chiu (Information Technology), Chair
  • Member's Role
    1. Develop the planning process

    2. Develop the planning timeline/milestone

    3. Analyze data results

    4. Facilitate/support public forums 

    5. Draft goals/objectives

    6. Communication


  • Communication Plan

    The purpose of a Communication Plan is to outline: 

    1. Who will be responsible to communicate What to Whom 
    2. How and When the information will be communicated 
    3. The purposes of the communication are: 
      • to give information
      • to seek feedback


    1. SGC: EEO, IDEA, Planning, PDAC, Safety, TLC, SEM
    2. Academic Senate: Curriculum, TLC, Department Chairs, DE
    3. Classified Senate
    4. Student Senate
    5. Manager: President’s Cabinet, President’s Council, Student Services Leadership Team, Instructional Deans Team, Administrative Services Team


    Who Whom
    Aprill Academic Senate
    Eloine/Cesar/Sandra Classified Senate
    Jennifer G Student Senate
    Carl Chiu Information Technology, TAG
    Carlos SGC
    Carlos SEM
    Carlos President’s Cabinet
    Jennifer Ma President’s Council
    Aprill Curriculum
    Nikki Instructional Deans Team
    Kim Dept. Chair
    Carlos EEO
    Nidia PDAC
    Rikki Student Services Leadership Team
    Chialin TLC
    Courtney IDEA
    Jinpa Administrative Services Team
    Aprill Distance Education
  • Meetings & Agendas: 2022


  • Archive:

    Meetings & Agendas:  2021

    Agenda & Meeting Notes

    January 26, 2021
    Time: 2pm-4pm
       Meeting Notes

    February 23, 2021
    Time: 2pm-4pm
       Meeting Notes

    March 23, 2021
    Time: 2pm-4pm
       Meeting Notes

    April 27, 2021
    Time: 2pm-4pm
      Meeting Notes

    Meetings & Agendas: 2020

    Agenda & Meeting Notes

    November 24, 2020
    Time: 2pm-4pm
       Meeting Notes


Technology Plan Milestones

  • Timeline and Tasks

    Core Group Meeting

    Big Picture


    Tuesday, October 27

    Core Group

    1.      Core Group formed

    2.      Members’ tasks and expectations

    3.      Overview the process and timeline

    4.      Public forum(s)

    Tuesday, November 24

    EMP Goals

    Old Tech Goals

    Current IT Projects

    DE Strategic Plan

    0.      Members' tasks and expectations

    1.       Review EMP Goals/Objectives and implications related to Technology Plan

    2.      Review old draft Tech Plan goals

    3.      Review Current IT works/projects

    4.      Review DE Strategic Plan

    5.      Theme conversation

    Tuesday, January 26


    Public Forum

    1.      Draft Themes/Goals/Objectives

    2.      Discuss public feedback (i.e., date, tasks, questions, and possible outcomes)

    3.      Possible date: College Assembly--Feb 8 or March 1

    Tuesday, February 23

    Incorporate Feedback

    1.      Incorporated feedback to Themes/Goals/Objectives

    2.      Prioritize Goals and Objectives if needed

    3.      Discuss Table of Content

    Tuesday, March 23

    Draft Tech Plan

    1.      Draft Table of Content

    2.      Finalize Goals and Objectives

    3.      Share the Goals/Objectives and Table of Content with senates (on April 5) and seeking for feedback

    Tuesday, April 27

    Draft Tech Plan

    1.    Review feedback from College Assembly 

    2.    Discuss College wide feedback plan as requested by College Assembly

    3.    Identify initial draft on Sharepoint site; update and progress

    4.    Discuss revised timeline



    Opening day


    Final Tech Plan

    1.      The final draft Tech Plan Senates 1st read on May 3 and 2nd read on May 17

    2.      The final draft Tech Plan 1st read on May 12 and 2nd read on May 26

  • Key Document