Classified Professional Awards
Sandra Mills CCCCD 2019-20 Classified Employee of the Year CCCCO 2019-20 Classified Employee of the Year
Rashaad McAlpin CCCCD 2018-19 Classified Employee of the Year
- BethAnn Stone (Robertson)
CCCCO 2017-18 Classified Employee of the Year
CA Community Colleges 2014 Model Classified Senate Award
Documents & Resources
- California Education Code
- CSEA position paper on shared governance
- Classified Senate Constitution - Ratified 11/4/2016
- Classified Senate Bylaws - Ratified 09/12/2022
- Classified Senate 2021-2024 Goals
- Classified Senate Core Values - Goals 2016-2018
- Indexed Copy of AB1725
- Joint No Confidence Resolution - Enholm, Gordon & Marquez
- Resolution - Against Anti-AAPI Hate Crimes
- Resolution - Anti-Racism
- Resolution - Professional Development Task Force
- Resolution - Safety on Campus
- Title 5 document
4CD & State Senate Links
- Contra Costa College Senate
- Diablo Valley College Senate
- District Office Senate
- Classified Senate Coordinating Council (CSCC)
- California Community Colleges Classified Senate (4CS)
Local One-AFSCME Links