English as a Second Language ESL

Get the Guidance and Help You Need


We want all of our students to know that you have your own dedicated ESL Counselor, Ms. Eva Padilla, who is here to help you! Couselor meeting with students     

You can schedule an appointment with Ms. Padilla directly by using the online appointment scheduling tool.

ESL eSARs Counseling Appointments


While there is a wealth of support available to you here at the college, this page is meant to to give you specific information to help get you started studying ESL at LMC; to introduce you to key people, services, and opportunities; and to tell you how they can help you.

New Student Enrollment Steps

1.  Complete the Application to College.
2.  Take the New Student Online Orientation.
3.  Go through the ESL Guided and Informed Self-Placement.
4.  Meet with your ESL Counselor

If you're ready to learn more about these steps and actually do them, the button below will take you to a page that will guide you through the registration process.  If you are not quite ready and feel you need more help or information, keep reading.  

 Getting Started at LMC


If you want or need help with any of the enrollment steps listed above, you can (and should) make an appointment to meet with Ms. Eva Padilla by using ESL eSARs, the information below to call or physically go to Counseling Services, by going to Distance Counseling Appointment.

If you need immediate counseling assistance call 925-473-7449 and ask to be placed on the drop-in counseling list.  

Drop-in counseling is a 15-minute counseling session with the next available counselor.

If you have reached step 4 and are ready to meet with Ms. Padilla (after applying and going through the online orientation and placement process), she will help you understand your placement results, the ESL programs (General ESL and Academic ESLCredit ESL and Non-credit ESLN), and the classes available for you to take. 

One of the most important things Ms. Padilla will work with you to do is to help you create your own personal educational plan based on your language learning, academic, and career goals.

Eva, who speaks Spanish and English, can also answer questions you may have about costs, financial aid, books and materials, what to expect in the college classroom, getting your student identification card, childcare, parking permits, transportation, and other resources available to you on campus and online as an LMC student. 

Additionally, we invite you to join Eva's online ESL Student Counseling and Support Space once you have applied to the college and secured your Insite username and password.  When you click the button below and self-enroll in the space, you will be immediately connect to our LMC ESL community of learners.  Ms. Eva Padilla will use this space to communicate with you remotely and to keep you updated and informed about important happenings at the college and in our community.  This will also be a space for you and all ESL students to engage with one another and to ask and get answers to questions you may have.  Please join us! 

ESL Student Counseling and Support Space

Financial Aid

If you are interested in learning about how to pay for college and financially support yourself and your family while studying at the college, you can speak with Ms. Padilla, and/or you can contact the Financial Aid Office using the information below.  The button underneath that information will take you to the Financial Aid homepage, where you can find answers to questions that many students have about financial aid. 


Financial Aid Information

The 4CD Promise

FT3 Promise iconWe want to make sure all students are aware of our college's and district's pledge to offer two years of FREE TUITION to FIRST TIME students who qualify and are ready and able to make the necessary FULL TIME student commitment.  The district calls this financial grant opportunity,

The 4CD Promise


Of special importance to LMC ESL students is that the designation of being a FIRST TIME college student only gets applied to you when you begin taking CREDIT courses at LMC.  This means, depending on which learning stage you begin studying ESL at, you can take our TUITION FREE Non-Credit ESLN courses for the number of semesters/years needed to accomplish your English language learning goals, as the example ESL educational plan for a student who begins at the Entry/Bridge stage shows:


FALL Semester 1

  1. ESLN-065PC + ESLN-075PC
  2. ESLN-065G + 

SPRING Semester 1

  1. ESLN-065VR + ESLN-075VR
  2. ESLN-065W +


FALL Semester 2

  1. ESLN-085SL
  2. ESLN-085G
  3. ESLN-085WRV


SPRING Semester 2

  1. ESLN-095SL
  2. ESLN-095G
  3. ESLN-095WRV

Then, when you transition on to taking your credit-bearing general education, career education, and transfer-approved coursework, you are considered a FIRST TIME college student and can/should apply for the grant by making your commitment.  

What this means then is that an ESL student starting LMC at the Entry/Bridge stage of learning who choose to take our Non-Credit ESLN classes, and then moves on to pursue her/his  educational and career certificate, degree, and/or transfer goals at Los Medanos College could pay NO TUITION for four (or more) years!

That said, those students who wish to or need to access federal and state financial aid to support themselves from the time they begin studying ESL at LMC will want to take the Credit ESL courses.  At the time they do so, they will be considered FIRST TIME college students, and they then could apply for the grant at an earlier time and get up to two years of FREE TUITION.  

The link below will lead you to district's information page, where you can learn the details about the grant, see who qualifies, and get the answers to frequently asked questions.  You can also make an appointment with Ms. Eva Padilla to get more personalized help. 

4CD FT3 Promise Grant