English as a Second Language ESL

General ESL

The Los Medanos College General ESL for College and Career Preparation Program offers both Credit (ESL) and Noncredit (ESLN) courses and serves and supports non-native English-speaking students who want to develop *beginning through low-intermediate* language proficiencies and basic interpersonal communication skills.

As mentioned on our Home page, we offer a mirrored Noncredit/Credit curriculum. Noncredit ESLN class are tuition free and are not held to the same residency and documentation standards as credit classes. These classes are also repeatable.  Credit ESL classes follow the tuition, fee, and residency policies established by the state and the college. These courses are not repeatable. If you have any questions about these two types of classes, please ask!

* Please note, this program assumes that students who start with us have had at least ONE year of formal English language instruction – either here in U.S. or in their home country – and have acquired pre-beginning through low-beginning English language skills and abilities (or levels of ESL competencies).  This would then allow them to benefit from where our Entry/Bridge stage courses begin. 

Program Description 

The General ESL and Academic ESL Programs share the same program student learning outcomes (PSLOs), which infuse the Habits of Mind – i.e., intelligent behaviors and thinking dispositions that help students succeed – and the LMC Institutional/General Education student learning outcomes (ISLOs) into our own second language acquisition-oriented outcomes. 

Our General ESL Program

  • is intentionally designed to help students who have had at least ONE year of formal English language instruction develop a solid English language learning base upon which to build.  Such a base is necessary for those students who want to pursue an academic/career path here at the college. 
  • provides students the needed language foundation to successfully transition into and through our Academic ESL Program and onto studying and preparing for their future career. 
  • will help students to more confidently participate in and take advantage of real-world social, civic, job, and personal interactions and opportunities in their English-speaking communities.

We offer an intensified sequence of language learning courses at an Entry/Bridge stage of instruction in which students learn, practice, and apply general English language skills and communication strategies within the context of everyday life, including their college-going experience.

The General ESL program has four Entry courses (the ESL-065/ESLN-065 courses) that are offered in weeks one through sixteen and four Bridge courses (the ESL-075/ESLN-075 courses) that are offered in weeks twelve through sixteen of the fall and spring semesters.  These Entry/Bridge courses are designed to be taken as linked pairs in a single semester.  This course-taking pattern offers students the opportunity to have an immersive and supportive language learning experience while working to earn one of our corresponding certificates.  

All eight General ESL courses are described below. 

For students’ convenience, each semester the college posts a searchable database of available classes:

Course Schedule Search

Program Expectations

By registering and enrolling in any General ESL or Academic ESL course, the LMC ESL Department expects that each student understands, and both can and will COMMIT to the following:

  • attend EACH and EVERY class session from the start-date to the end date of the given session or semester
  • come FULLY prepared with textbooks, materials, and completed homework, and for tests
  • come ON TIME according to the start-time listed and stay until the end-time listed
  • ASK QUESTIONS and strive to understand answers about anything that is not clear and/or that you do not understand
  • RESPECT and FOLLOW the instructor of the class, the class syllabus and all class policies and guidelines, and the LMC Student Code of Conduct
  • work to become increasingly aware of, understand, practice, and apply the 16 HABITS OF MIND as you are supported to do so by your teacher during class and specific activities, exercises, and assignments, and as other learning situations warrant 
  • MAKE APPOINTMENTS with the class professor during her/his Students’ Hours (also known as Office Hours) or at another time pre-arranged time to discuss any classroom, instructional, or course problems, issues, and/or complaints
    • Please note, such items will not, should not, and cannot be addressed and discussed during class time, and it is a student’s responsibility to follow the guidelines and procedures stated here and as put forth on the Help with Difficulties You May Encounter at LMC page.

Course Descriptions - General ESL

  • ESL-065G & ESLN-065G:  Foundational Grammar 1 - Credit or Noncredit

    Do you want to strengthen your everyday communication skills by improving your understanding and ability to use a set of fundamental English language grammar structures? In this course, you will develop multiple communication skills as you explore the grammar through short readings, practice and development possibilities, speaking and listening activities, and writing opportunities. If you have been learning English for at least a year and want to develop your ability to communicate in English for general purposes, this course is for you.  

    The Habit of Mind you will have the chance to focus on and develop as you work to learn, practice, and acquire ESL/ESLN-065G content, language skills, and communication abilities is PERSIST.

    This is the first of a two-course package at our “Entry/Bridge” stage of General ESL.

    Successfully complete ESLN-065G and ESLN-075G, and then apply for the Noncredit Foundational Grammar for General Communication Certificate of Competency

    Successfully complete ESL-065G and ESL-075G, and then apply for the Credit Foundational Grammar for General Communication College Skills Certificate .

  • ESL-075G & ESLN-075G:  Foundational Grammar 2 - Credit or Noncredit

    Do you want to continue to develop your communication skills by improving your understanding and ability to use another set of fundamental English language grammar structures? In this course that supports and builds on what is taught in 065G, you will strengthen various skills as you explore the grammar in readings, practice and development possibilities, speaking and listening activities, and writing opportunities. If you are ready to move on toward a high-beginning to low-intermediate level of English language learning, this course is for you.

    This is the second of a two-course package at our “Entry/Bridge” stage of General ESL.

    The Habit of Mind you will have the chance to focus on and develop as you work to learn, practice, and acquire ESL/ESLN-075G content, language skills, and communication abilities is REFLECT.

    Successfully complete ESLN-075G and ESLN-065G, and then apply for the Noncredit Foundational Grammar for General Communication Certificate of Competency.  

    Successfully complete ESL-075G and ESL-065G, and then apply for the Credit Foundational Grammar for General Communication College Skills Certificate.

  • ESL-065PC & ESLN-065PC:  Essential Pronunciation and Conversation 1 - Credit or Noncredit

    Would you like to practice and improve your English conversation skills? Do you also want to learn how to pronounce the sounds and patterns that make up the English language? Take this class and begin learning and practicing a set of essential pronunciation features and conversation skills to help you communicate in English for everyday purposes. This course uses language at a beginning to high-beginning level of English, yet non-native English speakers at all levels can also benefit from this course.

    This is the first of a two-course credit package at our “Entry/Bridge” stage of General ESL.

    The Habit of Mind you will have the chance to focus on and develop as you work to learn, practice, and acquire ESL/ESLN-065PC content, language skills, and communication abilities is PAY ATTENTION.

    Successfully complete ESLN-065PC and ESLN-075PC, and then apply for the Noncredit Essential Pronunciation and Conversation Certificate of Competency .  

    Successfully complete ESL-065PC and ESL-075PC, and then apply for the Credit Essential Pronunciation and Conversation College Skills Certificate.

  • ESL-075PC & ESLN-075PC:  Essential Pronunciation and Conversation 2 - Credit or Noncredit

    Would you like to continue practicing and improving your English conversation skills? Do you also want to learn more about how to pronounce additional sounds and patterns that make up the English language? Then, take this class, which supports and builds on what is taught in 065PC, and continue learning and practicing a second set of essential pronunciation features and conversation skills to help you communicate in English for social, school, and work purposes. This course works toward developing a high-beginning to low-intermediate level of English. Non-native English speakers at higher levels can also benefit from this course.

    This is the second of a two-course credit package at our “Entry/Bridge” stage of General ESL.

    The Habit of Mind you will have the chance to focus on and develop as you work to learn, practice, and acquire ESL/ESLN-075PC content, language skills, and communication abilities is THINK FIRST.

    Successfully complete ESLN-075PC and ESLN-065PC, and then apply for the Noncredit Essential Pronunciation and Conversation Certificate of Competency.  

    Successfully complete ESL-075PC and ESL-065PC, and then apply for the Credit Essential Pronunciation and Conversation College Skills Certificate.

  • ESL-065VR & ESLN-065VR:  Basic Vocabulary and Reading 1 - Credit or Noncredit

    Take this course, and you will increase the English words you know and can use for everyday purposes through short readings, conversations, language games and activities, dictionary use, and audio, video, and computer support. You will also begin developing useful reading skills and learning important strategies that will help you understand different social and global topics, events, and ideas. This course is for beginning to high-beginning English language learning students.

    This is the first of a two-course credit package at our “Entry/Bridge” stage of General ESL

    The Habit of Mind you will have the chance to focus on and develop as you work to learn, practice, and acquire ESL/ESLN-065VR content, language skills, and communication abilities is ASK QUESTIONS.

    Successfully complete it and ESLN-075VR, and then apply for the Noncredit Basic Vocabulary and Reading Certificate of Competency

    Successfully complete it and ESL-075VR, and then apply for the Credit Basic Vocabulary and Reading College Skills Certificate.  

  • ESL-075VR & ESLN-075VR: Basic Vocabulary and Reading 2 - Credit or Noncredit

    Take this course along with or after 065VR, and you will continue to expand the English words you know and can use in social, service, college, and work situations through interesting readings, conversations, activities, dictionary use, and audio, video, and computer support. Additionally, you will enhance your ability to use key reading skills and strategies that will support your exploration and understanding of different social and global topics, events, and ideas. This course supports high-beginning to low-intermediate English language learning.

    This is the second of a two-course credit package at our “Entry/Bridge” stage of General ESL. 

    The Habit of Mind you will have the chance to focus on and develop as you work to learn, practice, and acquire ESL/ESLN-075VR content, language skills, and communication abilities is LOOK AT THINGS ANOTHER WAY.

    Successfully complete ESLN-075VR and ESLN-065VR, and then apply for the Noncredit Basic Vocabulary and Reading Certificate of Competency.  

    Successfully complete ESL-075VR and ESL-065VR, and then apply for the Credit Basic Vocabulary and Reading College Skills Certificate

  • ESL-065W & ESLN-065W:  Fundamental Writing 1 - Credit or Noncredit

    Take this course, and you will learn and build essential skills needed to communicate clearly when writing in English. Your ability to write will improve week by week as you study and become comfortable using standard English sentence structures and parts of speech, correct punctuation and capitalization, and helpful editing strategies. You will also be exposed to basic vocabulary that will help you successfully complete everyday writing tasks at the sentence level. This course helps students progress to a beginning to high-beginning level of English language learning.

    This is the first of a two-course credit package at our “Entry/Bridge” stage of General ESL.

    The Habit of Mind you will have the chance to focus on and develop as you work to learn, practice, and acquire ESL/ESLN-065W content, language skills, and communication abilities is COLLABORATE.

    Successfully complete ESLN-065W and ESLN-075W, and then apply for the Noncredit Fundamental Writing Skills Certificate of Competency

    Successfully complete ESL-065Wand ESL-075W, and then apply for the Credit Fundamental Writing College Skills Certificate.  

  • ESL-075W & ESLN-075W:  Fundamental Writing 2 - Credit or Noncredit

    Take this course along with or after 065W, and you will increase your ability and confidence to communicate clearly when writing in English for everyday purposes. Your writing will develop as you practice key grammatical and structural elements for writing quality sentences and as you learn about the basics of paragraph writing. You will also be able to learn new words through paragraph review and analysis opportunities. This course supports high-beginning to low-intermediate English language learning.

    This is the second of a two-course credit package at our “Entry/Bridge” stage of General ESL.

    The Habit of Mind you will have the chance to focus on and develop as you work to learn, practice, and acquire ESL/ESLN-075W content, language skills, and communication abilities is COMMUNICATE CLEARLY.

    Successfully complete ESLN-075W and ESLN-065W, and then apply for the Noncredit Fundamental Writing Skills Certificate of Competency.  

    Successfully complete ESL-075W and ESL-065W, and then apply for the Credit Fundamental Writing College Skills Certificate.

To learn more about each course, access the approved course outline of record.

Required Textbooks

The General ESL courses may or may not  have a REQUIRED textbook that each student is responsible for purchasing and bringing to each class session beginning from day one of instruction. 

Without exception, each student MUST have their own textbook. This includes the online course access code that may accompany the main textbook. It is expected that students who enroll in one of these courses understand this requirement and will do what they need to do to procure or access the financial costs associated with purchasing the textbooks and access codes.  Students who need financial assistance should meet with the ESL Counselor, Ms. Eva Padilla to ask about textbook buying assistance.

Students can choose to purchase their textbooks through the LMC Bookstore - located in the Student Union Building, Level 1 - or via an online source such as Amazon. When purchasing the textbooks via an online source, students MUST make certain to use the appropriate ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Textbook information can be secured by looking up the textbook on the LMC Bookstore's website or contacting the professor of the course (instructor's emails can be found listed next the class on the Course Schedule Search)

A copy of every ESL/ESLN course textbook is also available on reserve at the Circulation Desk in the LMC Library.  Using their LMC Student ID Card, students can check out the books for the indicated period of time.

Textbook and other required materials information will be provided on every course syllabus that students will receive on the first day of instruction. 


Learn more about Academic ESL