Early College Credit

Get a jump start on your college education

  • What are the LMC Early College Credit Programs?

    Los Medanos College offers 3 ways for high school students to earn college credit while still working on a high school diploma.

    • Articulation Agreements - High school students taking a high school class that is of similar content & rigor as one of LMC's courses. Students meeting the articulation agreement requirements have the opportunity to earn college credit for the college course.

    • Concurrent Enrollment - High school students taking LMC courses on their own time at either the Brentwood or Pittsburg campus.

    Dual Enrollment - High school students taking LMC courses that are offered on their high school campuses or at the college during the student's normal high school day.

  • What are the differences between the Early College Credit Programs?

    Course is “owned” by and held at the high school or adult education center

    Credit is earned by Exam/Portfolio/Demonstration College transcript reflects the final exam grade (not the high school grade) and is notated as “credit by exam”

    No penalty for poor performance. Only final exam grades of “A” “B” or “P” would be recommended for credit
    Flexibility in hours
    Taught by the high school or adult education center faculty who may or may not meet college minimum qualifications
    Agreements can be created throughout the academic year

    Credit earned through high school articulation is treated similarly to AP credit by 4 year institutions. It may or may not be accepted as degree applicable. Generally will be accepted as elective credit.


    •  The college “owns” the course. The class is generally held at the high school during school hours

    •  Dual Enrollment courses are run through the LMC K-12 Program Coordinator

    •  Traditional college grading in the class (grade earned is grade transcripted)

    •  Performance is transcripted

    •  No flexibility in hours. Hours are the same as if the class were taught on the college campus

    •  Taught by college or HS faculty who meet minimum college qualifications

    • Agreements (CCAP) can only be agreed to & finalized in the Spring term prior to next academic year

    • College credit is accepted by the 4 year institutions noted in the college schedule

    Note: if you want more than one row of text like this this then insert the 3 column snip

    •  The college “owns” the course. These are regular college courses that appear in the college catalog and schedule

    •  Concurrent classes are regular college classes taken by high school students on their own, after school, during summer and on Saturdays

    • Traditional college grading in the class (grade earned is grade transcripted)

    • Performance is transcripted

    •  Class is taught by college faculty who meet minimum qualifications

    •  Student selects individual classes and is treated as a college student when on campus and in classes

    •  College credit is accepted by the 4 year institutions noted in the college schedule.

  • How much do the Early College Credit Programs cost?

    Generally, these opportunities cost little or nothing to the students depending on the type of program and agreement in place.

  • What are the benefits for students participating in LMC's Early College Credit Programs?

    There are several benefits for students who participate in Early College Credit programs.

    •Introduces students to the rigor of college-level coursework.
    •Offers high school students to earn college credits while still in high school enabling them to earn an associate degree, diploma or certificate in less time
    •Local high school participation makes college accessible and affordable for all.
    •Helps students seamlessly transition from high school to college.
    •By participating in early college credit programs  students are more likely to continue in college and earn a college degree.
    •Students are able to take courses not traditionally offered at their high school allowing them the opportunity to explore career interests and earn dual credits.
    •Builds confidence and broadens the student's experience, encouraging them to consider higher education as the pathway to their future success.

  • Who is eligible to participate in Early College Credit Programs?

    All high school students, enrolled & in good academic standing in 9th-12th grade with approval from their parent/guardian and their high school principal.

  • Parent/Guardian Information and the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

    Students enrolled in LMC Dual Enrolled or Concurrent courses are treated like every other college student. All college coursework is governed by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which allows release of academic information, including grades, to the student only – regardless of age. Academic information is not released to parents or third parties without written consent of the student. Upon consent by the student, information is only released to the authorized party in person or in writing.

    LMC Admissions and Records Office does not keep daily attendance records for students. Parents should not contact college offices or instructors with the expectation of accessing their student’s attendance or other information.

    Review your student’s DE Registration/Special Admit enrollment form with him or her. Please be aware that all coursework at LMC becomes permanent record on a student’s academic history; grades received or excessive drops have implications for future student status at the college, involving financial assistance, athletic eligibility, etc.

    By entering a college environment, your son or daughter will be exposed to a diverse population in educational programs designed for an adult learner that may involve sensitive topics that might be considered controversial or offensive in the secondary setting. LMC will not change course content or curriculum to accommodate Special Admit High School students.

> Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Fast Facts