Institutional-Set Standards

The U.S. Department of Education requires colleges to set student achievement standards at the Institution Level and the Program Level. This requirement is included in Eligibility Requirements #11, Standards I.B.2, I.B.3 and II.A.1 of ACCJC. The standards should be reasonable, measurable and should be assessed. This is the level "below which we would not like to fall".


The standards at the Institution Level were established through dialogue with department chairs, the Academic Senate, and adopted by the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Shared Governance Council in spring 2013. Three year progress data is available in both table and bar graph formats.


The Institution-Set Standards are:

a. Course completion: 69%

b. Fall to Fall persistence: 45%

c. Degree completions: 411

d. Certificate completions: 387

e. Transfer to 4-year colleges/universities: 300


Standards at the Program Level are established by departments and programs and are reviewed annually as part of the program review process.