Members of the Academic Senate

Academic Senate Membership



Academic Senate Co-President: Louie Giambattista
1/1/24 - 12/31/25

Academic Senate Co-President: Adrianna Simone
1/1/24 - 12/31/25

Academic Senate Vice President: Paula Gunder
1/1/24 - 12/31/25

Academic Senate Financial Officer: Vacant    

Academic Senate Administrative Assistant III: Abbey Duldulao - (925) 473-7660
7/1/2013 to Present


Represented Area Representative Alternate Rep.
Arts & Humanities/Philosophy/Drama Lucy Snow  
Behavioral Science Estelle Davi none
Biological Science James Madden none
Brentwood Faculty Ozlem Guclu none
Child Development   none
Computer Science/Business/Travel Louie Giambattista none
Counseling Eva Padilla Melissa Pon
English Marci Lapriore Morgan Lynn
Ethnic and Social Justice Studies Adrianna Simone  
Journalism/ESL/Foreign Language/Speech/ESL Paula Gunder  
Library Cameron Bluford Christina Goff
Math Maria Magante Julie Von Bergen
Music/Recording Arts vacant none
P.E. vacant none
Physical Science Dennis Gravert Franchesca Briggs
Public Safety (Fire/EMS/Nursing) vacant none
ADJUS/Political Science Ryan Hiscocks none
Voc Tech (Welding/Automotive/Appliances/PTEC/ETEC) vacant none
At-large Liberal Arts and Sciences Part-Time   none
At-large Student Services Part-Time vacant none
At-large Liberal Arts and Sciences Full-Time vacant none
At-large Career and Technical Education Full-Time vacant none
At-large Career and Technical Education Part-Time vacant none