The Drop-in Computer Lab at Los Medanos College provides computers and networking
resources to the students, faculty, and staff.
The computer lab is located at the Pittsburg campus, second level of the CORE building,
in room CO-200.
Lab Policy:
Los Medanos College provides computers and networking resources to students, faculty, and staff. The following defines the responsibilities that should be practiced when using LMC's computer resources:
Users are required to
- act responsibly
- respect the rights of others
- not abuse the equipment / resources provided
Computers can be used to
- complete LMC homework assignments
- research assigned topics
- read/send email
- engage in online class activities
Computers can NOT to be used to
- surf sexually explicit/gambling websites
- attempt unauthorized access to any system (hacking)
- disrupt or unauthorized monitoring of network traffic
- create viruses or intentionally spreading viruses
- install unlicensed software
- create, distribute or print personal materials
- harass someone
Lab Access and Usage:
- Priority use is for LMC related coursework and business.
- Public usage of computers is limited to those in the Information Commons area in the Library.
- Currently enrolled students are eligible to use all computer labs on campus. Proof of LMC ID will be required.
- Sign-in and sign-out are required when using the computer labs.
- There is a 2-hour time limit when others are waiting. An unattended computer station for more than 10 minutes will be re-assigned.
- Lab equipment should be used with proper care. Damage or misuse of the lab equipment in any manner will result in penalties and/or disciplinary actions.
- Check with the lab staff for special notices. Labs may be closed during certain times for tests, lab maintenance or seminars.
- No food or beverage is allowed inside the computer labs at any time.
- Minor children who are not LMC students, accompanied or unaccompanied, are not permitted in the computer labs.
- Please be respectful of other students using the computer labs. Keep noise to a minimum and no talking on cell phones.
- Loud, disruptive, and/or abusive behavior on the part of the student will result in progressive disciplinary action including revocation or suspension of computer access privilege in the affected lab.
Lab Help
Lab staff is available for general guidance in computer usage.
Software Usage
- Software provided by LMC can only be used in the computer labs. Copying, deleting or modifying the software/computer setup is strictly prohibited.
- All documents must be saved onto your own removable media. You are responsible for the files on your own storage media.
About this policy
This policy is intended to ensure that the college resources are being used for their intended purposes.