The Accreditation Steering Committee (ASC) is a standing committee responsible for guiding the College through Accreditation processes.
The Accreditation Steering committee is responsible for organizing and coordinating the self-evaluation process and for ensuring that appropriate progress is made (including monitoring the work from the responsible parties). In addition, it is an important role of the committee to ensure that evidence is shared within the institution and that relevant internal stakeholders, who have knowledge of data and who can contribute to the analysis of data and evidence, are involved in the process as appropriate.
There are a number of principles that support a successful self-evaluation process. It should:
- Address the Commission’s Standards and meet other Commission requirements
- Provide content and evidence for the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report
- Include institution-set standards for student achievement and learning outcomes
- Provide and analyze existing evaluation, planning, and improvement data
- Lead to an assessment, based on analysis of data, of the quality of the institution’s programs and services and its institutional effectiveness as well as the formulation of plans and actions for improvement
- Involve the institutional stakeholders who have a role in improving institutional quality
The ASC is comprised of the following members:
- College President (CEO)
- Vice President of Instruction (CIO)
- Vice President of Student Services (CSSO)
- Vice President of Business and Administrative Services (CBO)
- Senior Dean of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness (ALO)
- Dean of Equity and Inclusion (Equity Officer)
- Director of Marketing & Media Design (CPIO)
- Academic Senate President or Designee
- Classified Senate President or Designee
- Associated Students President or Designee
- Recorder/Notetaker
2023-24 Accreditation Steering Committee meeting Schedule
The Accreditation Steering Committee (ASC) meets every second Thursday of the month from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Professional Learning Center, Room LIB-215.
- September 21, 2023
- October 26, 2023
- November 30, 2023
- December 12, 2023
- February 15, 2024
- March 14, 2024
- April 18, 2024
- May 9, 2024