The Career Of An Automotive Service Technician
“The instructors were the best part of the program. They were very encouraging and helpful, always supportive, and extremely knowledgeable.
The LMC program had appealed to me because the program is accredited and recognized,
and that by completing the program, I would be able to get a job. I plan to eventually
open up my own shop!”
- Joanne Jackson, Automobile Service Technology Alum
Automotive service technicians work in automotive repair and maintenance shops and may be employed by independent shops, by auto dealers, or own
their own businesses. Potential jobs include smog technician, transmission specialist, front-end alignment and brake technician, heating and air conditioning specialist, parts specialist and more.
The United States Department of Labor says that employment of automotive service technicians is expected to increase 14 percent between 2006–2016, compared to 10 percent for all occupations. In addition to openings from growth, many job openings will be created by the need to replace a growing number of retiring technicians.
Career Spotlights