Kinesiology & Athletics Complex

Fitness Center 

LMC fitness center

Fitness Center
Located in the Kinesiology & Athletics Complex

Spring semester hours:
Mon. – Th 7am - 7pm, F 7am - 1pm

The Fitness Center includes cardio equipment, selectorized weight equipment, weight circuit, squat racks, free weights, TRX, stability balls, med balls, bands, mats.

To use the Fitness Center Students/Staff/Faculty must:

1.) Enroll in KNACT 110, 1 unit, CR/NC

2.) Purchase the Fitness Center packet in the LMC Bookstore

3.) Complete the Online Orientation

4.) Use the Fitness Center anytime during hours of operation.

Fitness Center FAQ

  • What Equipment Is In The Fitness Center?

    The Fitness Center has four main areas including:

    • Cardiovascular training area, which includes stationary bikes, treadmills, tread climbers, and elliptical trainers.
    • Strength training area with power racks, benches, free weights, barbells, dumbbells.
    • Functional training area with TRX training, Matrix trainers, rope trainers, med balls, stability balls and more.
    • Circuit training area with combined selectorized weight training equipment, stationary bikes and elliptical machines used in an alternating fashion to generate a full body workout in 30 minutes.
  • How Can I Use The Fitness Center?

    To use the KAC Fitness Center, you must be enrolled in a class taught in the Kinesiology department.  Enrollment in KNACT 110, 120, 130, 140 (self paced, open-entry/open-exit) allows students to exercise in the Fitness Center at any time during hours of operation. Please see the schedule of classes for course descriptions and hours. The Kinesiology department teaches a variety of courses including; lecture, group fitness, mind-body, team/individual sport, and self-paced courses. 

  • Can I Use the Fitness Center If I Am A Staff Member?

    The KAC Fitness Center is open to all people who are interested in taking advantage of the on campus KAC Fitness Center, college curriculum and earning college credit.  Staff are encouraged to participate in the KAC Fitness Center by registering in a fitness center class (KNACT 110, 120, 130, 140) to utilize the facility.

  • Can I Use The Fitness Center If I Enroll In Any Kinesiology Activity Course?

    No, you must be enrolled in one of the KAC Fitness Center courses; KNACT 110, 120, 130, 140 to use the KAC Fitness Center.

  • Why Do I Have To Take A Class To Use The KAC Fitness Center?

    The KAC Fitness Center is part of the Kinesiology & Athletic Complex located on the Los Medanos College campus. The KAC Fitness Center program and other Kinesiology classes offered in the KAC are part of the credit division of Los Medanos College.  Students receive academic credit for the successful completion of any course offered by the department.

  • What Class Do I Take?

    The first course required for use of the KAC Fitness Center is KNACT110. Other courses include KNACT 120, 130, 140 and may be taken after successful completion of KNACT 110. All are self-paced, open entry/open-exit courses and allow enrolled students to use the KAC Fitness Center during the open hours to complete the course curriculum.  The goal of the KAC Fitness Center is to teach students basic fitness concepts and skills for life long fitness and improvement of health and wellness.

  • The KAC Fitness Center Is A Self-Paced Class…What Does That Mean?

    Self-paced means you work through the course curriculum at your own pace during the open hours of the Fitness Center. While the class is self-paced, there are minimum attendance requirements in order to maintain your course enrollment.  Self-paced does not mean that you can enroll for the class and then leave all your work for the end of the semester. Once you enroll, you must begin to work on the course curriculum.

  • What Is The Attendance Policy For The KAC Fitness Course?

    Like all Kinesiology activity class, consistent attendance is required. If you are in a one unit class you should plan on spending 2-4 hours per week engaged in course activity. All KNACT 110, 120, 130, 140 students must complete a minimum of 1 hour per week in the fitness center.

  • I’m Enrolled In A KAC Course, Could I Be Dropped And Lose My Privilege To Use The KAC Fitness Center?

    Yes, students are dropped for non-attendance.  If you do not complete the required class attendance hours, you will be dropped from the course.  Also, students who do not comply with the facility rules can be suspended or dropped from the course.

  • How Do I Start Using The KAC Fitness Center?

    Enroll in KNACT110

    • Go to the campus bookstore and purchase the KAC Fitness Center Packet. Students must have an official Los Medanos College student ID card. How to acquire your Student Access Card.
    • Complete the mandatory Fitness Center Orientation located in your Canvas KNACT 110 course shell, within the first 2 weeks of the semester. 
    • Complete the required forms, located in the Fitness Center Packet: Par-Q and You, Factors/Goals Form, and liability waiver. Bring the forms to the Fitness Center, have an Instructor sign off on them before exercising.
    • Accomplish all of these tasks within the first two weeks of the semester.
  • I Already Know How To Exercise, Why Do I Need To Purchase a Manual and Attend a Mandatory Orientation?

    The KAC Fitness Center is a fitness education program consisting of a variety of courses designed to improve your knowledge of physical activity and wellness.  We hope you will utilize the fitness center to learn from our Instructors, participate in regular physical activity, release stress and anxiety, and improve the overall quality of your life.

    The KAC Fitness Center requires a mandatory orientation to the program, so that you can be aware of:

    • the goals of the KAC Fitness Center
    • the rules and policies of the KAC Fitness Center
    • to review your health/medical history for a safe and effective exercise program
    • to understand student expectations and answer any questions before using the KAC Fitness Center

    Each student must submit original copies of forms, found in your own manual. These forms are mandatory for participation in the KAC Fitness Center.