LMC Open Education Resource

Zero Textbook Cost

Los Medanos College is proud to offer students Zero Textbook Cost sections for select courses. Look for this symbol in the online schedule (it will not appear in the print schedule, the catalog or insite):

Zero Textbook Cost Icon

For these sections students will pay nothing for the educational resources needed to complete the class (however, you may have minimal costs for materials or printed copies. Please see our FAQ page for more details about what qualifies as Zero Textbook Cost and what expenses may still be associated with a Zero Textbook Cost section).

This means:

  • Less hidden costs when you sign up for classes.
  • No more borrowing books or photo copying pages.
  • No missing assignments because you don’t have the book.
  • The cost of textbooks will not stand in the way of your education!

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Funded by the Department of Education through the Open Textbooks Pilot Program (CFDA #84,115T) grant and LibreTexts.