Brothers of Excellence Program (BOEP)

The Story of Brothers of Excellence

In 2014, the Minority Male Community College Collaborative (M2C3) of California released a report that highlighted the negative outcomes for men of color in the California Community College system. The study found that African American men in particular had the lowest overall persistence rates and credit course completion rate; and third lowest graduation/transfer rates with only a 2% difference from being the lowest.

In an effort to combat this educational epidemic, Los Medanos College’s EOPS (Extended Opportunity Program and Services) Department has taken an innovative approach to decrease the achievement gap between minority male students and their counterparts by creating the Brothers of Excellence Program (BOEP) in 2015.

BOEP is an ambitious program designed to dramatically improve academic and life outcomes for men of color students who attend LMC by creating and nurturing academic and community  partnerships that guide, inspire, and motivate these men to reach their full potential.

LMC grads